'If your community suffers from flooding, or is at risk from future flood events, forming a community based flood resilience group to work on behalf of local residents and businesses is an effective way to minimise the effects of flooding. 61 community flood groups have been set up throughout Scotland by the Scottish Flood Forum and work closely with agencies such as the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), local authorities, water companies and the emergency planning agencies. Flood groups closely reflect the interests of local communities and differ from area to area, depending on the particular issues faced by those communities and it is our role to provide help and ongoing support to all flood resilience groups' http://www.scottishfloodforum.org/flood-groups/

Does we need a Wales Flood Forum? (I think SFF is a Quango) Or could we set up community flood groups working with existing agencies?

Tito Lopez
4/30/2013 11:17:14 pm

Hello. I'm real interested in speaking to you. My name is Tito. I work I'm Natural Resources Wales (formerly of Environment Agency Wales) and work in communities with people living at rush from flooding to create flood groups and emergency flood plans.
I'm back in my office tomorrow but can surely have a good discussion with you on this topic and an interested in picking your brain a bit too.

02920 245 251
Hope to hear back from you.

Tito Lopez


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